Stolen Keyless vehicles, Steering Wheel Thefts & Garage Burglaries
Stoke Parish Council (Kent)
Please see the lastest advise from Kent Police regarding stolen keyless vehicles & garage burglaries:
Following recent reports of keyless vehicles being stolen, recent steering wheel thefts, and garages being broken into, can I please remind you your local beat officers are able to provide crime prevention advice.
The Kent Police website also has lots of information on it for protecting yourself, your home, your vehicle(s) and your business from crime. You can visit that page by clicking here.
To discuss any concerns you have or get some advice, you can contact us via our website by clicking here, or via MCV.
Please remember to refer your friends, family and neighbours to My Community Voice. The more the merrier!
Contact Information
Jenny Allen
- 01634 710086
Find Stoke Parish Council (Kent)
50 Pepys Way, Strood, Lower Stoke, Rochester, Kent, ME2 3LL