
12/12/2023 - Owing to the deluge of rain today, Medway Council have visited the village and put emergency flood procedures in place.
It is understood that the ditches will be drained and any residents who need emergency assistance over night should call Medway Council on 01634 304400.
03/11/2023 - Following the Open Meeting that was held on Wednesday 1st November, the village received a consultation from Ms G. Bussley of Medway Council, where she has also emailed the Parish Council this afternoon with the following information.
The residents have asked that when we release the consultation for the Surface Water Management Plan that we have an in person event where they can officially record their views on the document. Additionally, they have asked whether Southern Water could attend this so concerns can be raised to them, I have emailed them this morning to check to see whether they would be available
Best wishes
Gabby Bussley
06/12/2023 - Update on Stoke Project for Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 6th December 2023
The Rivermead Inclusive Trust continue to be fully committed to the project based on the site of the former Stoke Primary School. A lot of background work continues to go on and we are hoping come the New Year we will start to see people starting to be on site to begin work on putting the design into practice. As discussed previously this should not change the aesthetics of the building as all we are planning to adapt / change is to have a building placed at the back of the school which will be the Art / DT block and this will be placed in the position of many of the existing structures (which are rotten) and will be placed at the back of the site so it does not impact on the views of residents looking out of their gardens. There is also a planned a drop of section at the back of the site so the minibuses can turn and drop off pupils safely. This will also allow vehicles to be kept off the road so as not to disrupt traffic on the road.
The final change which may impact is the planned car park which will run at the back of the school where the playground is. I have already shared plans of this with members of the council and hopefully those whose gardens directly back onto the school playing field are aware. Although this will have some car parking it will be sensitively planted with trees and shrubs so as to not spoil the outlook for residents.
In relation to the project work in the background the following is happening:
- We are hoping the project will be signed off by the Regional School Commissioners Office via the Headteacher board in early December. We have had positive feedback that this should happen without any problems.
- The local council have agreed via the appropriate committees to agree to increased funding to cover the cost of the build. This should match with the estimates which we submitted to the council around how much the project would cost in relation to the building alterations required.
- The council are currently putting together the planning application along with various surveys. The asbestos one was the last one completed on 17th October. This raised a few concerns. As a result, they do need to get an asbestos company in to help with a more intrusive survey on the hutted classrooms over on the swimming pool side of the building just to determine what additional work is needed on them and this is scheduled for December. Until this piece of work is completed, we won’t be in a position to confirm the September opening just in case it needs more work than we were anticipating. I can hopefully update on this at the next Parish Council Meeting.
- The planning application should be submitted at the beginning of December and will coincide with the council putting together the tender documents which will go out in January.
This is where we currently are and hopefully, we will be in a position to provide more details at the next meeting. On behalf of all the team at the Rivermead Inclusive Trust can I take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support around this project and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I look forward to coming to the next meeting to provide more details and moving forward I am really hoping we can really become involved in the village and work with and support a great local community.
Kind regards,
Paul Dadson, Project Lead for the Rivermead Inclusive Trust
03/11/2023 - It was lovely to see a such great turnout on Wednesday 1st November at the 'Open Meeting'.
The Parish Council fully supports the steering group that was formed and wish you well going forward.
We look forward to receiving updates on the progress of the Neighbourhood Plan in the Parish Council meetings.
Warm regards,
Stoke Parish Council
Following on from recent issues we can only encourage residents to make a claim against UK Power Networks whenever there is a power outage. The more complaints that thy receive will - in the short term - help to raise the urgency of the issues.
Details can be found on the UK power networks website
Following on from recent events and the pumping station issues to the rear of Shepherds Way, please find a link below for the water regulatory company for England and Wales